Welcome to My Realtime Web Application Project

Hello! I've just completed an exciting assignment where I built a real-time web application. This application fetches and displays issues from a GitLab repository I created, all in real-time using WebSocket and Webhook technologies.

I've used Node.js and Express for the backend, and ensured the code is well-documented and follows the course's coding standard. I've also made it easy for anyone to clone the repository, install dependencies with npm install, and run the application.

One of the cool features of this application is the ability to close issues directly from the client-side. I've also added another feature, which I'll let you discover for yourself!

The application is deployed on a public server in CSCloud, and I've taken steps to protect it from potential vulnerabilities. I've also ensured sensitive information like API keys and webhook tokens are securely stored in environment variables.

Feel free to explore the application and let me know what you think!

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